Evening Glow, Day 1, 30 in 30

So hey... Here is another 30 in 30!  Should I say I am excited or overwhelmed? Reworking my whole website which has been taking me way more time than I expected.And I am starting the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge, hosted by Leslie Saeta. Plein…


Helga is our current model for the Monday long pose at the "Pushing Paint" life drawing group. Here is a step by step process of painting Helga.           Helga 16" x 12" oil on board


I have joined a figure drawing and painting group, Best thing I've done since, well, since I did the 30 in 30 challenge! Ha! But, anyway, I have been having a lot of fun. We meet every Saturday morning for drawing from life, we have 1-2-5-10-20…

Himanshu – 2

It's weekend again! Yay! That means I was able to coax my son into sitting for me. They are such good kids... Here is my 13 year old son "Himanshu", being so patient. :) The drawing First color Notes And the finish Himanshu -2 9"…

Glassford Hill

I was out paitnting early this morning after dropping the kids off at school. Partly cloudy and beautiful! Here  is the finished painting: Glassford Hill 12" x 12" oil on panel Oh and even though I was at least a mile away…

Boulders and Lake

Hiked out behind Willow Lake today again looking for inspiration. Soon as I was out of the rocks, facing towards the lake, I had this view. Dropped the painting gear right there and started painting. First Block in: And here is where…

Kiki – 2

My 11 year old daughter Kiki sat so patiently for me today. Can't wait for next weekend, I have 2 more kids that I can paint! This was a lot of fun. After my last few disappointments, I found myself smiling the whole time painting this. Doing…

Boulders and wipe-downs…

I wiped down two paintings the other day...one after the other. One I hiked out for 1.5 miles lugging all my paint gear. Did a painting, but hated it so much that I wiped it fown and packed up and left. Then I did a nocturne, which I wiped out…

Time of the Day Series – 5

Little Granite peak at 2 pm this time. The weather was beautiful and clear and warm. Only a limited of these left this year. Winter is approaching fast.And here is the painting:Little Granite Peak - 2pm fall clear sunny dayI need to take a better…

Two more moods of the granite mountain

So this is the huge granite mountain that stands grandly close to our house. I have done several paintings of it in several different moods. This is not the same as the Little Granite Peak that I have been doing the day series of.It has been…