Ok, I finally have a blog!!!

Some of my friends have been insisting that I get a blog or some kind of a guest book where they could drop by, say hi, leave a comment etc. So here it is… I am still working on it… and don’t have much here for now, but will hopefully be populating it more soon.
12 replies
    PERUGINA ART says:

    Hey… Yeah!!!
    Glad your blogging too!
    Will be back soon to see the wonderful works in the world of Srishti Art.
    As we say here in Aus… Goodonya!

    Hi Mimi!
    A great little support group happening here… heeheehee

  2. SrishtiArt
    SrishtiArt says:

    Hi Mimi & Perugina!!!!
    Thanks so much for the little support group 😀 😀
    Support for opening the blog!!!! 😉
    I am so glad I finally did too!!!
    Goodonya! I have never heard that phrase! soo funny 😀

    Ok I am not sure if I reply here, you guys will get the reply or not!!!

    PERUGINA ART says:

    Yes I certainly did get your reply!
    I make a point of checking them…
    Have fun and keep in touch.
    Oh I have posted your email on my comments for my magnolia…thought it only fitting.

    Thanks for the link and have reciprocated very happily!

    PERUGINA ART says:

    Hi Srishti, will look forward to your posts…I visit often…
    I’m sure you are planning special things for this space.
    Then we won’t be able to keep up I’m sure.

  5. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    The blog looks great (this coming from a non-blogger, too!) I love seeing the work in progress and also the links to the other art pages…Kory’s work is amazing, it looks like photography. No wonder he’s your mentor!
    See you soon,

  6. nidhi
    nidhi says:

    Nice piece of work especially those of flowers…..as one of her school junior, she inspires me to go for what u are really gud at and likings towards what u luv to do….
    Keep going!!!

  7. SrishtiArt
    SrishtiArt says:

    Thank you so very much Nidhi for the encouraging and kind words… And thanks a bunch for dropping by and leaving a comment on my blog… 😀 Se you around 😉


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