Entries by Srishti wilhelm

So difficult, though!

In response to my last article about Authentic Impressionism and Mindfulness a reader responded… “So Difficult, though!” And I agree. It is a practice. It is being aware – of where our awareness is at every moment of our conscious being. If we are not living consciously, aren’t we living unconsciously, then? Yes!!! Very much […]

Authentic Impressionism & Mindfulness

Imagine if this moment was the first time you ever opened your eyes; you look at the world with the eyes of a newborn baby. You wouldn’t know if that thing before you is a tree, a rock, a house or a mountain. You don’t know what a flower is, or a table is? You […]

Feeling Alive

The story of how I am trying to emerge from a “cubicle” painter to an artist who wishes to feel alive. If you want to skip to the story, you may want to go ahead and scroll down towards the bottom where the images are, or continue reading for details what has been going on, […]

Phippen Western Art Show 2019

I was thrilled to be juried in to the prestigious Phippen Museum Art Show this year and spent last five months painting away mostly Prescott area landscapes. The show was on the Memorial Day weekend, in my hometown of Prescott, AZ. It was a huge success for me, a first timer, and I enjoyed it […]

Awaiting the Storm

I stood at the cross-roads today watching the oncoming storm… Painted two panel side by side to capture this beautiful panorama that I get to see driving out to town everyday. What a lovely stormy weather. I love Monsoons!

Latest Plein Air Painitngs

Some new Plein Air paintings from last couple of weeks. I have started going out again once or twice a week. Prescott is so green right now, I am afraid I am going to run out of green paint!!!