Tag Archive for: 30 in 30

Landscape study, Day 8 of 30
BlogHere is an 8" x 10" study that I did plein air today for the Day 8 of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge. Up on the hill behind our house, when the sun gets low, you can see mountains all around with a different shadow structure on each of…

Paperwhites, Day 6 of 30
12" x 12"
oil on panel
Click here to purchase
Yes, yes, I know I skipped right over the day 5, but I will catch up. Me and my husband are busy remodeling my new art studio, I will post some pictures soon. And also I have been…

“In the Shadow of the Mountain”, Day 3, 30 in 30
I had noticed while walking the Granite Mountain trailhead in the summer around 4pm, with the sun starting to go behind the mountain, how the mountain would start to become a luminescent bluish color...
Well, I decided to paint at that…

Looking North, Day 2, 30 in 30
BlogLooking North from Prescott, you can see the Bill Williams mountain due north. A Lovely view indeed. I have to hike up the hill behind my house and oh it's a 360 degree panoramic view!
Partly cloudy with sun and shade playing games today…

Evening Glow, Day 1, 30 in 30
BlogSo hey... Here is another 30 in 30! Should I say I am excited or overwhelmed? Reworking my whole website which has been taking me way more time than I expected.And I am starting the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge, hosted by Leslie Saeta.

30 Days of September
BlogI finished 30 paintings in 30 days in September. Wow! I am so very happy about it. This has taken me a long ways from when I started this a month ago. I have learnt a lot and experienced a lot.It's been a very internal journey as well. I have…

Day 30 of 30 in 30
BlogI really don't believe that it has been 30 days of non-stop painting. So fast in one way and on the other hand it seems like I have been painting everyday forever. Hard to imagine a day that I wouldn't have painted.My wall is full of paintings…

Day 29 of 30 in 30
BlogThis Blue Vase can look so different from every angle and in different light. This is painted right before sundown. In fact the sun did go down right when I was done painting the vase. I put in the orchids from the picture I took.Here are the…

Day 28 of 30 in 30
BlogWe have had some bad weather already so early. Strong winds and then thick frost last night. Most of my garden died from the frost. It was sad. But we had a nice warm day today with no wind. Taking advantage of that I went out to Willow Lake…

Day 27 of 30 in 30
BlogNo post yesterday, as I had to go to a field trip with my kids to Phoenix. We went to the Musical Instrument Museum and Butterfly Wonderland. What fun!So today I did two small paintings.These roses are blooming outside my house. Lovely...…