Tag Archive for: 30 in 30

Day 15 of 30 in 30

Today's color is orange. No oranges, but I have a grapefruit, carrots, Orange plate, a jar of very orange honey and an orange vase. It's amazing how many orange objects I could come up with. I am having so much fun painting these!Here is the…

Day 14 of 30 in 30

The sun has been with me... Thank you Sun!Today I explored purples.... Purple plums... purple vine glass... purple cups... First I had no idea what purple things I was going to paint... I had a purple dumbbell and my purple Crocs out... But…

Day 13 of 30 in 30

Today's color is RED! Wow, I haven't spent this long on a painting in a long time... But this one took forever.I had more objects, yes, but I need to learn how to paint faster, go the color right the first time so I keep it fresh and fast... But…

Day 12 of 30 in 30

Wow! What an eventful day...Got started on a new series of paintings... And fixed some bugs on our software that me my my husband create and some problems on our business website, exercised, cleaned the kitchen/living area. We are taking care…

Day 11 of 30 in 30

Again, a rainy day... I really wanted to do a sunny day painting today but after waiting to almost noon I peeked out and this beautiful fog was covering the mountain... But within 5 minutes, soon as I was setup to paint, it changed. It started…

Day 10 of 30 in 30

Can you believe it has already been 1/3 of the paintings done? Wow!Today's painting was done while literally I was standing out in the rain! At least it wasn't pouring!This is hte view if I stand in the wash that run through the property. Wild…

Day 9 of 30 in 30

This morning as I was coming back after dropping the kids at school I saw how the clouds were so low and covering up the mountain. And I couldn't resist doing yet another painting from my back porch while it was drizzling the whole time and…

Day 8 of 30 in 30

Some Nasturtiums from my garden... Done inside on the rainy Sunday. Day 8 of 30 in 30 challenge on Leslie Saeta's blog.Nasturtium Reflections9.5" x 6"painting knife & oil on panel

Day 7 of 30 in 30

Yes, I did paint yesterday...But I am putting up my second painting from day before for yesterday's painting and yesterday's painting that I finished last night for today's... I know I got you all confused... but such is life ;)Here it is...…

Day 5 of 30 in 30

Wow! What a busy day. I worked on a small painting inside in shade and then went outside and saw that the light was perfect to finish the other painting that I had started a few days ago that I couldn't finish due to clouds moving in. So soon…