Day 5 of 30 in 30

Wow! What a busy day. I worked on a small painting inside in shade and then went outside and saw that the light was perfect to finish the other painting that I had started a few days ago that I couldn’t finish due to clouds moving in. So soon as I had finished packing my easel up, I brought it out again, unpacked it and worked on second painting for another couple of hours…
I will save the second painting to post on the 30-in-30 blog of Leslie Seata for a rainy day if I am not able to do a painting sometime.
But her eare the two paintings of the day..
Vase in Shade
6″ x 6″
oil on panel

I have never worked this small before, and didn’t think I would like it, but I actually enjoyed it a lot. And it was pretty fast…
8″ x 10″
oil on canvas panel
With this painting I felt that I really was getting somewhere with the teaching that “Every plane change is a color change.” I might fix a few things that I see are bothering me on this tomorrow.
But I feel like I am getting back into the groove…. Wow!
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