Tag Archive for: Time of Day

Looking East-Winter-5pm
BlogAnother one from the gorgeous view that you get when you climb up the hill behind our house. It just about a 360 degree panoramic view. From Bill Williams mountain in the north to the San Francisco peaks at the base of which Flagstaff is situated.…

Time of the Day Series – 5
BlogLittle Granite peak at 2 pm this time. The weather was beautiful and clear and warm. Only a limited of these left this year. Winter is approaching fast.And here is the painting:Little Granite Peak - 2pm fall clear sunny dayI need to take a better…

Two more moods of the granite mountain
BlogSo this is the huge granite mountain that stands grandly close to our house. I have done several paintings of it in several different moods. This is not the same as the Little Granite Peak that I have been doing the day series of.It has been…

Time of Day Series – 4
BlogToday was cloudy... I went out to my painting spot at the same time as yesterday... about 4 and did a Cloudy Evening painting. Unfortunately, my phone battery was dead.. so I wan't able to take a picture of the location.. bummer, I like doing…

Time of Day Series 3
BlogPart 3 in this series where I am painting same scene at different times of day, capturing the color and light difference. Today I got to my painting spot for a late afternoon/sunset painting.The air here is so clean that we don't get those gorgeous…

Time of Day series 1 & 2
BlogGood Morning! Here is the beginning of a new series. I am painting the same view in different lights. At different times of the day. To be able to perceive the color differences at various times of day. I would probably extend this to different…