Tag Archive for: works-in-progress

Grapes – WIP (2)

Here is the 2nd installment...A glaze of yellow to make the grapes glow!

Grapes – WIP

For their February show at the Red Co-op Gallery, where I have been showing my art, the theme for February is Red.I have the ambition of painting Red grapes.... but I wonder if I will succeed : I am terribly nervous about these grapes to read…


A little more progress...14x18 Arches CP 140# paperWinsor & Nwton artists' watercolors.Gave him a Red garland and also started on the ram.Also darkened his clothes.***************************


Kuja - MarsHere is Mr. Mars so far. He has been a lot of fun to paint so far.Lts more to go... His clothes need to get darker... almost blood red!And then of course there is Mr. Ram, the vehicle!*********************************************…


As the Sun goes into Capricorn, the exaltation sign for Mars, I am drecting my thoughts towards painting the third Graha (planet) Mars. "Wearing red garments and clothes, a spear, trident and maceand blessing, four armed is Mars riding a ram."Excerpts…


Chandra - The MoonSecond in the series of "The Grahas (Planets)" is the Moon, which comes after the Sun- Surya.The Moon is the planet of the mind... and is full of knowing. A planet with feminine qualities, Moon is the reflection of the Sun.He…