Entries by Srishti wilhelm

Day 3 of 30 in 30

So, as you know, I am doing this 30 in 30 challenge. 30 paintings in 30 days.Yesterday was Day2, started a painting in the morning in the sun, soon as I finished the drawing, the clouds moved in and stayed until the afternoon! Then in the afternoon I started another painting since the color of […]

Day 1 of 30-in-30

Wow… I am rusty… The first of the 30 – in – 30 challenge. I did this plein air in my backyard. The Granite Mountain in part shadow and some lovely clouds today. I should have left out the bottom, though… I definitely need more practice working with brushes… Just stumbling along and learning on […]


I have neglected my blog and my website too long… Yeah, the marketing and SEO God is definitely not peachy with me. But hey, the Facebook God is, LOL! I have been posting all my paintings to facebook. Part of it because I have been needing to rework my website and blog and consolidate them […]

Block Studies…

I have signed up for another workshop with Susan Sarback in June. Plein Air Landscape in Napa, CA.   While I am waiting for the workshop, I plan to do small studies helping me refine my color perception. So there will be plenty of block studies on different color backgrounds, in some different lighting conditions. Good […]

Cactus – Pear (finished)

Cactus – Pear 11″ x 14″ Oil on Board Finally finished this… You should see my poor pear… It’s been sitting on the little table all set up… gradually shrinking and shriveling everyday. Also getting semi-baked under the hot 500W halogen bulbs!!! 🙂 But, now it can get either eater up (if it’s still edible) […]

Cactus – Pear (continued 1)

So here is the next installments… Deep into the stage 2 now which is the most involved stage as here we adjust everything as we are seeing… color, value and chroma. As you can see, most of the colors have dulled way down. Be back with more soon…

Cactus – Pear

Hey, I started working a new Impressionist piece a couple of days ago and I have decided to a lot of pictures of my artwort from now on – in progress. I miss doing these, just have been so occupied with “stuff.” Anyhow, Here is the latest one on my easel. It is sort of in between […]


Here are some paintings I have done since the workshop. Onion 10″x8″ Oil on board Garlic 10″x8″ Oil on board Tea-kettle 14″x11″ Oil on board Blue &  Orange 14″x11″ Oil on board Red Bell Pepper with Knife 10″x8″ Oil on board

Susasn Sarback Workshop

I haven’t posted in a long time here on my blog… just have been updating my facebook page lately. But here I am. I took an amazing workshop with Susan Sarback this January. Love her work, she runs the School of Light and Color in Fair Oaks, CA. It was my first workshop so I […]