The Grahas – Planetary Deities- the Moon

the Moon"White, dressed in white, divine, ten horses, white adornments,mace in hand and two arms is fixed the Moon, O' Twice Born."

The Grahas – Planetary Deities- Mars

Mars "Wearing red garments and clothes, a spear, trident and maceand blessing, four armed is Mars riding a ram."

The Grahas – Planetary Deities- Mercury

Mercury"Wearing yellow garlands and clothes, brilliant like a Karnika flower,handling a sword, shield and mace on a lion and blessing is Mercury."

The Grahas – Planetary Deities- Jupiter

Jupiter "Jupiter... yellow..., four armed, staffs, blessing, offerings,rosary threads and Kamandalus (water-gourds used by ascetics)."

The Grahas – Planetary Deities- Venus

Venus "Venus... white..., four armed, staffs, blessing, offerings,rosary threads and Kamandalus (water-gourds used by ascetics)."

The Grahas – Planetary Deities- Saturn

Saturn "Brilliant like blue sapphire, trident, blessing, riding a vulture,holding arrow and bow is known Saturn, O Twice Born."

The Grahas – Planetary Deities- Rahu

Rahu - the North Node "Gaping mouthed, sword, shield, trident, granting wishes,on a lion and dark colored is fixed Rahu."

The Grahas – Planetary Deities- Ketu

In 2006 I did the sketches of the planetary deities for my husband Ernst Wilhelm's book "Graha Sutras." The sketches were done true to the astrological descriptions of the imagery of the planets as described in the ancient astrological text…

"Scented Symphony" -Clematis

I made some changes on hte clematis painitng and also got a really awesome name for it :D So it is the final-final..."Scented Symphony"16" x 12"W&N hot press paper

Clematis- WIP

Here is another one I just finished yesterday, again exploring a similar technique as "here comes the sun."Poured Masking and the first pour of yellow and red. Finished painting:"Clematis" (for the lack of a better name!)Transparent Watercolor12"x16"Winsor…