Phalaenopsis- on Masa

Yes, you guessed it right! I am LOVING the masa paper!!!!I just finished this last night..Phalaenopsis14"x18"Masa paperThis time instead of glueing it to a watercolor paper, I glued it to a 1/8th inch foam-core.

Lion Fish on Masa Paper

I have been wanting to try out Masa Paper for a long long time. It has been sitting at the very bottom of my art papers wating to get crinckled! ;)Recently saw a thread on Wetcanvas by Jeanette which really inspired me to get going with it!…

Sunshine Award!

Christiane Kingsley of Christiane Kinglsley's Art added some sunshine to my blog by awarding a Sunshine award to my blog. Thanks so much Christiane... it is an honor!It's my turn now to forward this award to the blogs that I admire and love!Please…

Woodland Stream – finished

Here is the finale...Here I have just taken the masking off on the trees and bushes first, painted them, and then the masking on the water was taken off and finished up.I am really happy with this :)"Woodland Stream"14x18 inArches CP paperW&N…

Woodland Stream – WIP3

Here is where I am today...I removed some of the masking on the right side from the bushes and shrubs and started coloring them in.

Woodland Stream – WIP2

I forgot to take pictures of several stages before this stage, but here is what I did tonight:After all the atmospheric pours of red, yellow and blues were done and I was satisfied with the values, I started the splattering!Aureolin, Cadmium…

Woodland Stream – WIP

I started this a few days ago along with the Mt Adams painiting. Though I didn't manage to take many pictures...Here are two pics of the priliminary pours... The painting is much further along than these pics though. I'll definitely take some…

Mt. Adams – finished

Finally finished.Just deepened the hues more on the left to make the right side pop more...I think I am decently happy with it... for virtually a first landscape :OPhew.... ;)

Mt. Adams – Commission

I have a commission for painitng a landscape of the Yakima Valley with the glorious Mt. Adams in the background, on watercolor Canvas...All's good but landscapes are sort of foreign to me :DI have been working on it for a few days and managed…

The Grahas – Planetary Deities- the Sun

the Sun"Lotus seated, lotus in hand, brilliant as a lotus flower and sittingin a seven horse drawn chariot with two arms is the Sun."