Grapes – Finished
17.5 x 23 inches (I think my largest so far!) 😀
Arches 140# CP paper
mostly Winsor & Newton paints
Many thanks to “Emily Lagore” (mustcreate of wetcanvas) for her beautiful reference!
I have been a member of our local co-op gallery for the last two months. They are called “Red” and their theme for February is “Red” So everyone is supposed to create an artwork that is Red. These RED grapes are my contribution!
This is really beautiful! I’m really enjoying your blog.
Thanks for all your generous comments on Wetcanvas! I’ll be checking in on ya!
Thanks do much Pablo for vising my blog! I am honored…
I am a great fan of yours and love your style of work. I think that style is what I want to achieve. I do hate glazing… But I need to figure out how to get away from that… I love your pure and glowing colors!