Day 17 of 30 in 30

I actually did two paintings yesterday… I did a nocturne last night… Oh… there is nothing like it. It’s a great experience. Peaceful and Exhilarating… I loved every moment of it.
Almost Full – Nocturne
10″ x 8″
brush and oil
Today’s color was green… Boy, “it’s not easy being green.” That was the hardest color to paint so far… It was downright painful. But here is the setup. I tried to use a variety with what I could find and get it working as a decent composition. Hard setting up a bunch of round fruit!
Initial color notes…
12″ x 9″
knife and oil
Now, I can’t think of any blue fruit to paint… And I don’t have any blueberries… 

6 replies
  1. Srishti
    Srishti says:

    Hi Sue! Good to meet you! Yes the nocturne was done plein air. That’s what made it so special! I Loved every minute being outside with just the moon and me (no mosquitoes either!) HA!!!
    Off to check your blog 🙂

  2. Judy Baker
    Judy Baker says:

    Your art is lovely and I really like how you show the steps you go through to achieve the final painting–very interesting. Love your colors. I agree, green is a difficult one.


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