Orchid Medley

I haven’t posted anything in a long time… just caught up in life…
But here is a new one I finished a few days ago…

Orchid Medley
My first and definitely not the last attempt on
Watercolor Canvas
I have had the Canvases sitting in my closet for a whole year and never had the guts to try it out!
But now that I finally did, I had a lot of fun!
Critics please…

8 replies
  1. Srishti
    Srishti says:

    Hi Krista!!!! Thanks so much!
    About the canvas:
    Break it open!!! You may just fall in love with them! 😀
    One advice… Glazing really doesn’t work… You will have to apply the paint in one go…
    It lifts right away if you go over it again!
    Have fun! 😀

  2. Angela
    Angela says:

    Absolutely beautiful!

    I like working on this stuff too – but I just have to forget everything about how I work on paper, because I find it utterly and totally different…yet just as fun!

  3. devotedmomof7
    devotedmomof7 says:

    I tried it with w/c and felt like I was trying to paint Kool-aid on glass…didn’t work…like you said, no glazing will work!! But gave up and tried fluid acrylics and thoroughly enjoyed it!! I’m impressed at what you achieved with watercolor on it!!!


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