Crashing Waves

Finally got my brushes wet after a long time. Summers are always a busy time. Despite the longer days there is somehow never enough time for everything :O

I have been wanting to try out some of Nita Engle’s techniques from her book How to Make a Watercolor Paint Itself. Really amazing book! Would really like to dive into it and play with the techniques.

Here is the first one I tried out today. Lots of fun with sqirting paint and water all over and try to make sense out of it 😀

How Fun!

Crashing Waves
7″ x 10.5″

Would really appreciate honest critique on compostion etc. Thanks for visiting ~ ~ ~

6 replies
  1. Sandy Maudlin
    Sandy Maudlin says:

    Love the looseness and wet feeling in the painting. The small dark spot at the bottom is in the middle, so exten another spontaneous spot a bit to the left. It’ll help create more eye movement and add assymetrical balance to the land masses. Hope you’re enjoying the southwest. What a change from the northwest!

  2. Srishti
    Srishti says:

    Wow! Thanks for the advice on how to fix that Sandy! Will do just that!
    Yes, it is a big change down here… But not too huge temperature wise.
    We really love it down here!


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