
I have joined a figure drawing and painting group, Best thing I’ve done since, well, since I did the 30 in 30 challenge! Ha! But, anyway, I have been having a lot of fun. We meet every Saturday morning for drawing from life, we have 1-2-5-10-20 minute sessions. And then on Mondays we hire the same Model for three Mondays in a row to hold the same pose so one can do a long drawing/painting.
This is Philip, our model 2 Mondays ago. I did a figure painting with him for two Mondays and then on the third Monday did a head study.
I happened to take step by step pictures as well!
Figure, Impressionist, painting, from Life
Philip 2 Philip 3
Philip 4
Philip 5
Philip 6
Philip 7

oil on canvas

Here is the Head study… I still need to finish it, actually.
Head 1 Head 2 Head 5
Philip – portrait
oil on board
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