Mercury – WIP 2

I have been busy with making a couple of websites for some Artists and for my Art Co-op Gallery.
So haven’t gotten much painting in the last 40 days :O

Have been on and off working with Mercury (again, more off than on 😉

Here he is, at the end of today’s painiting session…

I am also starting a watercolor class and have a handful of people… not makny but just enough for a first time teacher :O
I am looking forward to it 😀 It will be fun!

2 replies
    PERUGINA ART says:

    Srishti, looks like the atart of another fantastic addition to your series!
    Also I read you have many projects in the pipeline – this is excellent!
    Teaching watercolours? I knew it was only a matter of time!! Congratulations my friend, what a wonderful way to pass on knowledge and a great way to learn from each other – this pleases me no end to hear this.
    My sincere and heartfelt best wishes to you my friend.
    la perugina

  2. Srishti
    Srishti says:

    Thanks so much my dear Perugina!!!
    Thanks qalways for your good wishes! It means a lot!
    Today was the first class and it went so well! I had a lot of fun! 😀


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