Chandra – The Moon
Second in the series of “The Grahas (Planets)” is the Moon, which comes after the Sun- Surya.

The Moon is the planet of the mind… and is full of knowing. A planet with feminine qualities, Moon is the reflection of the Sun.
He is the “Lord of the Night.”
I think I am done with his face. Critics please… Do you think thebackground is too loud/distracting?
Hi Srishti, this makes a timely appearance… The Moon being the ruling planet of the sign Cancer, which I am.
How can I not like this piece!
Will follow with great interest.
It’s looking great…no I don’t think the BG is too loud… can see some interesting shapes beneath.
Will await their emergence.
Yes, Perugina!!! Moon the ruler of Cancer… I started this a month ago but I am only fully inspired to do this now…when the Sun is going through Cancer!
A very interesting fact I noticed a few days ago is that some of my very favorite watercolorists… You, Monique (a good friend) and Kory Fluckiger(I am his great fan) they all are Cancer Sun-signs…
And Moon and thus Cancer rules water and so it also rules watercolors and watercolorists!!!!
Is that Cool or what 😉
Srishti, I have never made this connection, knowing Cancer is a water sign… could this be why I have gravitated to watercolour?…mmmm…interesting to ponder.
Fancy that having the inspiration to get this going when the Sun is through Cancer…wow
I tried clicking onto Kory’s Link here a few days back, it wouldn’t let me through, apparently you need a password.
Perugina… Kory’s links are working… at leaset for me… 🙁 Hmm
Were you able to to his website :
He’s awesome….. I just love his work…………
Anyway.. talking about the water sign Cancer… Fancy this: My Ascendent Lord Mars (I am a scorpio rising) is in Cancer together with Saturn who is my 3rd lord. The 3rd house rules skills, like art etc.
Wow, you really seem to know about starsigns. I don’t really know much about them other than what my sign is…sounds interesting though and would love to understand it in depth.
My Mum can’t remember what time i was born exactly… so i can’t get a full chart made. What a shame because I think I am cursed with all the attributes of Cancer amplified… lol… it really is no laughing matter…